
Fun with Math During Summer: Math Worksheets for Kids

by Kelin George

July 28th 2022, 8:00 pm

As the summer season arrives, parents often search for creative ways to keep their children engaged and entertained. One such way is to incorporate fun math games into their summer routine, and that can be done with our engaging math worksheets for kids.

Math can be a challenging topic for many children, but with the right approach, it can also be a lot of fun. In this summer learning series, we have brought you an array of fun math activities that your child can enjoy and learn from and have some summer fun.


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Summer becomes the perfect opportunity to engage your child in fun and interactive learning activities through math games and worksheets. Not only do they help improve your child's understanding of basic math concepts, but they also make learning fun and enjoyable. 


Whether it's counting games or geometry puzzles, there are numerous ways to make math a part of your child's summer activities. With the help of math worksheets and games, your child can have a great time while learning essential math skills.


Also read: Fly High with DIY Airplanes: Fun Summer Crafts for Kids

Here is how your little one can learn while having fun with our math activity printable

  • Print out the worksheets
  • Hand the worksheets to your child
  • Follow the accompanying instructions for each activity
  • Complete the activities and enjoy learning math
  • Use the bonus sheet included for reward stickers
  • Cut out the stickers and paste them onto the activity sheets
  • Have lots of fun!

Click on the image below to download the Free Printable👇.




Discover more summer learning activities at! Explore our curriculum-aligned programs for Pre-K to Grade 3 and help your child build on the skills they learn in school.

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